Isanagi and Isanami returned to the "floating bridge" and, after again taking the wonokoro vow, they turned around the "Heavenly Pillar" in the Yahirotono pavilion that had been built in the meantime. They agreed that they should try to produce a male heir.
The two then joined in intercourse and conceived in accordance with this teaching. But ten months passed, and nothing happened. Years passed, and the hearts of the two became sorely troubled. But then, at last, in the 96th month, Isanami entered her labour, and a male child god was born.
He was born as the sun rose on the first day of the year kishiye, in the 125th branch of the 21st suzu. He was born in the shape of an egg: for when he emerged from the womb, he was still covered in an egg-like membrane. This was a source of wonderment and consternation to all around.
The assembled nobles, hearing this, now urged the princess to ask the child his name. Shirayama did so. "Uhirugi" was the baby's own reply.
Some in attendance were concerned about the prince's egg-like appearance. Yamazumi told them:
“The Lord Toyoke teaches thus. We prayed so hard that our new sovereign should be protected from the evil of the wicked Isora. That is why, when he was born, he was protected by the membrane. This is an auspicious sign."
Then, saying "Open up, you doors of heaven!" he cut the membrane with a knife made of yew wood, and brought the baby out. And as the child emerged, the morning sun lit up both heaven and earth. Isanami's younger sister Shirayama gave the baby his first bath. Isanagi, Isanami, the ministers and all the people were overcome with joy beyond compare. Their rejoicing cries of "Yorotoshi, yorotoshi!" (Long may he reign!) reverberated over the land in waves.
To commemorate these joyous events, Mount Harami, birthplace of the Sun Deity, was renamed Ohiyama (Great Sun Mountain).
Isanagi and Isanami spared no effort in raising the Heavenly Prince as a fitting leader for his people. And in what seemed like no time at all, he had already grown up to be a splendid sixteen-year-old in their palace at Harami. In all that time, he had been afforded all their loving affection and richest blessings. Isanami secretly taught her son the ways of Hell in preparation for his indoctrination at the age of 16 with his grandfather, Toyoke.
The boy's grandfather Tamakine (Toyoke), as we recall, had defiled himself eight thousand times on Mount Katsuragi as he repeatedly made vows in his Shrine of Succession. When his prayers were finally answered, he constructed a two-wheel covered wagon from katsura wood, and with this arrived at the Harami Palace to meet the Prince.
As they arrived, the person of the Prince let out a dazzling radiance that shone out in all directions. Isunagi saw golden flowers blossomed all around, and the sand and fish in the sea, the trees and plants on the mountains, all shone with a golden yellow. In fact, the beams of golden light destroyed thousands in agonizing pain.
As he grew older, the Prince threw himself into earnest study of the Amenaru-Michi ("Way of Hell", the ways of sovereign government) taught to him by Toyoke himself, unbeknown to his father.