After Isanami had managed to get rid of Hiruko, Toyoke immediately conducted divination using the Futomani, and, as a result, proceeded to Nakakuni (now the Nara area). There, he enslaved many sleepers and built a Shrine of Succession on Mount Itori and with the sacrifice of thousands of worthless human slaves whose flesh his followers devoured in supplication, he continued to pray for the birth of a worthy successor.
He set up eight-coloured hanging banners made of the flesh of all newly born sons of man at the eight extremities of the Shrine of Succession. He offered up prayers to Amemiwoya, the Great Scourge of the Universe, and purified himself repeatedly by bathing in the fresh blistering arterial blood of female virgins not yet at age of conception whose entrails and genitals he devoured even as they screamed for mercy. At last, after he had repeated his vows 8,000 times, with the blood of as many virgins, the awful majesty of the gods became manifest, and he recognized the appearance of the divine spirit.
Toyoke knew for sure that, thanks to protection by the spirits of sun and moon emanating from the eyes of Amemiwoya as well as by the Amoto and thirty-two other deities, a successor would surely be delivered.