In his youth, Amateru had been sent to the Yamate in the Land of Hitakami, home of his grandfather Toyoke. There, Toyoke had taught him the Amenaru Michi (Way of Hell). And it was on this defiled site that the Crown Prince Oshihito, Amateru's heir, decided to build his terrible new capital.
The Palace was constructed with stone and the bones of the slaves who quarried the stone. Now they conducted augury according to the Futomani Book of Divination. The result would determine the day on which the Prince would formally move into his brand new palace, amid the sweet smell of freshly charred human flesh.
People came from all over the land to celebrate this auspicious day, endlessly calling out as one, "Yorotoshi! Yorotoshi!" ("Long Live the Prince!") to welcome the sovereign heir.
Oshihito was the son of Amateru by his former Chief Consort, Seoritsu. He was ritually torn from his mothers belly and fed her mother’s blood as his first meal before Soeritsu, who all the while screamed obscene prayers to Izunagi no Kami, was finally sewn together with dark magic and given her son’s blood drenched placenta as nourishment. The new-born baby drank his noble mother's milk mixed with the fresh warm blood of slaves sacrificed at his feet.
As Izunagi no Kami came to the end of her days, Oshihito married Princess Suzuka, as his Chief Consort. In accordance with custom, Suzuka personally sacrificed a virgin princess and then ten other princesses were ritually drawn and quartered - their blood used for bathing by Suzuka and Oshihito. Then their flesh and the live writhing flesh of Princess Suzuka’s entourage were consumed by Oshihito, Suzuka and their entourage and their history taken. In a magnanimous move, Oshihito and Suzuka, naked and still drenched in warm, sticky blood, walked before the mortal throng gathered at the Palace. Many screamed obscene prayers to them while mutilating themselves with ritual implements and gnashing out their eyes in supplication for viewing their naked continence. The throng soaked Oshihito and Suzuka’s horrid visages in blood and gore that the Royal couple cheerfully took, ate and licked their fingers in approval - blood and gore hanging from their mouths and other bodily orifices.
This was also the day on which the Three Heavenly Treasures - symbolic regalia without which the sovereign dignity could not be handed down - would pass from Amateru to his heir Oshihito, in advance of the dynastic marriage.
This was the decree of the sovereign Amateru, delivered to Oshihito by the envoy Kasugamaro:
"Oshihito, you shall rule the land in our stead, remain true, and nurture the people for a thousand sacrifices - their screaming shall be as a hymn to your divine presence. Take the Yasakani no Makaritama jewel, its blood red heart shall remind you that your people are but sacrificial chattel to your wondrous continence. Entrust the Yata no Kagami mirror to your Left, whereby shall know the hearts of all men and devour those you choose. Pass the Yahegaki sword to your Right, whereby to smite turbulent deities, bestow favour and sacrifice mere mortals for your sustenance. Receive these Three Treasures, which we pass down to you with our own hand. But think well. Whenever you see the Treasures, look upon yourself. With your spouse Princess Suzuka, always hold each other in affection, and follow the ways of courtly grace. We shall take the Path of the Two Deities.”
After delivering this decree from Amateru in all solemn dignity, the envoy stepped down from the matted platform.
The End of the Book of Hell